Just made a wardrobe tracker of my own! I've been thinking about doing this for a long time, but the pressure to do it ~right~ kept stopping me. (Pick the right columns! Populate historic data! Metadata about size and material and fit and color and ....!) We'll see if I stick with it, but I'm going to try to write stuff down when I can, and not stress about it when I don't. Thanks for the inspo :)

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Sweet! Glad to hear :) And yeah, I've kind of been wondering if I can "update/sophisticate" this tracker... will share here if it does happen haha

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Thank you so much for this post! The minute I started reading this I felt an internal resistance to making a tracker of my own –– mostly, I soon realized, because I don't think I'll like what I see. But I do think it would be a good idea for me to get something like this going, maybe to curb my habit of randomly buying inexpensive things because they're cheap, they fit, and they're there.

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Ha, totally get it. I still quite often catch myself wanting to buy something just because it's a good price and actually fits (almost feels like letting go of something that fits decently would be a waste...) Practicing checking myself on that. Def worth giving some kind of tracker a try methinks. Anyway, thank you for reading and leaving a comment, cav ~

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